Dear Parents/Guardians,
Area donors are proud to offer Snack Pak 4 Kids, a weekend feeding program. This "backpack" program is designed to send child-friendly food home with hungry children over the weekend who have little or no food at home.
If you are struggling and need assistance feeding your child over the weekends, we would like to give your child the opportunity to participate in our Snack Pak 4 Kids program.
On Fridays or the last day of each school week, the school coordinator will see that your child discretely receives a free bag of food items in his or her backpack before the school day ends. The food items are to be taken home to eat over the weekend.
Research suggests that adequate nutrition has a positive link for your child's learning capabilities.
If you feel like your family would benefit from this program, please contact Amanda Bell at the school nurse office, during school hours to get signed up.